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3. The fees payable for the study of an application respecting a vertical cadastre shall be:(1) for lots added:(a) $523 for the first lot; (b) $19 for any additional lot; (2) for lots replaced or annulled:(a) $261 for the first lot; (b) $19 for any additional lot to a maximum of 20; (c) $4 for any other additional lot.
3. The fees payable for the study of an application respecting a vertical cadastre shall be:(1) for lots added:(a) $508 for the first lot; (b) $18 for any additional lot; (2) for lots replaced or annulled:(a) $253 for the first lot; (b) $18 for any additional lot to a maximum of 20; (c) $3 for any other additional lot.
3. The fees payable for the study of an application respecting a vertical cadastre shall be:(1) for lots added:(a) $493 for the first lot; (b) $17 for any additional lot; (2) for lots replaced or annulled:(a) $246 for the first lot; (b) $17 for any additional lot to a maximum of 20; (c) $3 for any other additional lot.
3. The fees payable for the study of an application respecting a vertical cadastre shall be:(1) for lots added:(a) $477 for the first lot; (b) $16 for any additional lot; (2) for lots replaced or annulled:(a) $238 for the first lot; (b) $16 for any additional lot to a maximum of 20; (c) $3 for any other additional lot.
3. The fees payable for the study of an application respecting a vertical cadastre shall be:(1) for lots added:(a) $474 for the first lot; (b) $16 for any additional lot; (2) for lots replaced or annulled:(a) $236 for the first lot; (b) $16 for any additional lot to a maximum of 20; (c) $3 for any other additional lot.
3. The fees payable for the study of an application respecting a vertical cadastre shall be:(1) for lots added:(a) $465 for the first lot; (b) $16 for any additional lot; (2) for lots replaced or annulled:(a) $232 for the first lot; (b) $16 for any additional lot to a maximum of 20; (c) $3 for any other additional lot.
3. The fees payable for the study of an application respecting a vertical cadastre shall be:(1) for lots added:(a) $455 for the first lot; (b) $15 for any additional lot; (2) for lots replaced or annulled:(a) $227 for the first lot; (b) $15 for any additional lot to a maximum of 20; (c) $3 for any other additional lot.
3. The fees payable for the study of an application respecting a vertical cadastre shall be:(1) for lots added:(a) $448 for the first lot; (b) $15 for any additional lot; (2) for lots replaced or annulled:(a) $223 for the first lot; (b) $15 for any additional lot to a maximum of 20; (c) $3 for any other additional lot.
3. The fees payable for the study of an application respecting a vertical cadastre shall be:(1) for lots added:(a) $442 for the first lot; (b) $15 for any additional lot; (2) for lots replaced or annulled:(a) $220 for the first lot; (b) $15 for any additional lot to a maximum of 20; (c) $3 for any other additional lot.
3. The fees payable for the study of an application respecting a vertical cadastre shall be:(1) for lots added:(a) $437 for the first lot; (b) $15 for any additional lot; (2) for lots replaced or annulled:(a) $218 for the first lot; (b) $15 for any additional lot to a maximum of 20; (c) $3 for any other additional lot.
3. The fees payable for the study of an application respecting a vertical cadastre shall be:(1) for lots added:(a) $430 for the first lot; (b) $14 for any additional lot; (2) for lots replaced or annulled:(a) $215 for the first lot; (b) $14 for any additional lot to a maximum of 20; (c) $3 for any other additional lot.
3. The fees payable for the study of an application respecting a vertical cadastre shall be:(1) for lots added:(a) $427 for the first lot; (b) $14 for any additional lot; (2) for lots replaced or annulled:(a) $213 for the first lot; (b) $14 for any additional lot to a maximum of 20; (c) $3 for any other additional lot.
3. The fees payable for the study of an application respecting a vertical cadastre shall be:(1) for lots added:(a) $420 for the first lot; (b) $14 for any additional lot; (2) for lots replaced or annulled:(a) $210 for the first lot; (b) $14 for any additional lot to a maximum of 20; (c) $3 for any other additional lot.